Friday, June 13

Humming pants

püksid - alg 2

Need püksid läksid mulle maksma 0.50 €, niiet praktiliselt puhta muidu. Hiljem alles avastasin, et neid on lubatud pesta vaid keemilises puhastuses. Õnneks triikida neid siiski võib. Trükkisin ükshaaval väikesed valged koolibriid peale ja naksasin sääred maha. Nüüd on vaja veel need valged koivad päiksest pruuniks saada.

I got these pants for 0.50 €, so basically nothing. And, to my surprise, I can dry clean them only.. and iron. We’ll see what happens. I printed the small white hummingbirds one by one and cut them shorter. Now I have to tan those white legs of mine.

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) 3
The Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris). More beautiful pictures of this magical creature here.

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  1. Dammmmmnnnn! Those are some DIY skills. Great find, amazon' refashion! Did you use a stamp or a stencil for those adorable hummingbirds?

  2. As I haven't found any good stamp making kits in Estonia I used a 3d paint (that swells with heat a bit) to draw the bird silhouette and then covered it with fabric paint and voila. I have to develop and easier way to do this..
