Saturday, October 26

Gobeläänseelik/The tapestry skirt

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Pikalt olen otsinud ilusat gobeläänkangast, kuid poodi minnes olen pidanud pettuma. Lõpuks leidsin kanga, mis on päriselus ehk veel ilusamgi kui pildil. Et kanga muster kaotsi ei läheks, tegin temast kõige lihtsama pliiatsseeliku ja et lihtsusega lõpuni minna, õmblesin luku kõige lihtsamal kombel seeliku peale. Esimest korda sellist tehnoloogiat kasutades oli raske uskuda, et nii lihtsalt ja julmalt see just käibki.
Pilte pluusist võib leida veel siit.

I’ve been longing for a beautiful tapestry fabric and I finally got my hands on one. Many times I’ve found good looking tapestry fabrics online but  been disappointed seeing them in person.. well, this one looks even better in real life! To let the fabric shine I decided to make a very simple skirt and ended up with a pencil skirt for a change. I was my first time sewing the visible zipper on top of the fabric like this. It was quite difficult to make something so simple for a change (not that sewing an invisible zipper is hard but the technology is different).
More pictures of the blouse here.

tapestry skirt 1


  1. The fabric is gorgeous :) sewing an exposed zipper has been something I've wanted to try for quite some time now! It really suits the skirt :)

    1. Thank you (: You will be surprised how simple it is!
