Monday, April 1


roosajadNäib, et olen jõudnud tagasi väikese tüdruku ikka. Enese lapsepõlvest ei mäleta küll erilist roosa-armastust ehkki unistasin salamisi ikka ühest sädelevast baleriini-seelikust. Nüüd, vanemas eas, pole see roosa, mis meeltmööda, enam nii erk ja sädelev, pigem ikka selline tuhmim ja kulunud. Just sellised roosad on kuhjas mu niigi lookas kangariiulil, et neist saaks pluuse, seelikuid ja muid ilusaid õmmelda, mõned plaanid mul juba on..

Feels like I’m a little girl again. I don’t remember loving pink much from my childhood but I used to dream about a sparkling pink tulle skirt. The pink I’m into now is not that intense and a bit old-looking. These are the pink fabrics that are taking space on my stuffed fabric-shelf. One day I will make something beautiful out of them, I already have some plans..

in 28.5.12

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I have been loving your site! I'm not sure if this is a trend that's caught on where you're from yet, but I am passing along to you the Liebster Award, a way for us sewing bloggers to showcase each other and give a shout out to those blogs we love! I hope you'll play along:
