Saturday, July 14

A grey pair of trousers and a vest to match

Teine osa ühest järjekordsest kooli projektist, mis algas pimedal talvel lõigetest ja lõppes kevadel vesti ja pükstena. Õnneks oli kliendil ka kooli lõpetamine suvel ees, nii et kappi seisma jäämise ees see komplekt kartma ei pidanud.
Vesti seljatagune on samuti põhimaterjalist.
Pildistamise ajaks on aga riideid juba mõnda aega kantud ja pükste tagatasku on jõudnud kumerustega harjuda, sellest ka kerge lainetus.

Another part of the school project that started in the darkest period of winter from patterns and ended up as a vest and trousers in the spring. Fortunately my client had a graduation ahead so the suit didn’t have to be afraid of being left in the closet.
The back of the vest is also from the main fabric.
After all this wearing the back pocket has gotten used to some curves and waves a little while being on a hanger.

From the inside:


back pocket


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