Saturday, August 22

With a bit of orange

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Vahel on vihmased pärastlõunad täpselt õigeks põhjuseks, miks õmblusmasina taha istuda. Võiks ju ka lihtsalt lõikeid modelleerida peas olevatele mõtetele, aga sombuse ilmaga toob just valmis saanud õmblusprojekt päikese välja. Sellisteks puhkudeks tasub hoida mõned lihtsad lõiked, aga kuna suure osa lõigetest konstrueerin ja modelleerin ise, vastutan ma ka oma varude eest. Tänu sellele on need lõiked sama baasiga ja seetõttu on ka neid omavahel kergem kombineerida - haarata ühelt varrukalõige, kopeerida teiselt kaelakaar või alläär.
Graafilise mustriga kangaid võib pidada mu üheks nõrkuseks. Nende puhul eelistan kasutada võimalikult lihtsat ja väheste läbilõigetega lõiget, seega leides selle imepehme puuvillase kanga oli kohe selge, et läheb üheks väikeseks õmblemiseks.
Õmblemisele kulunud aeg: 123 min / ~2 h
Materjalide maksumus: ~7€

It’s good to have some easy sewing patterns somewhere in stock to make those rainy afternoons pass by quicker. As I draft my own patterns, I’m also responsible of the stock. Having a big pattern pool with all from the same base makes mixing things up easier, you don’t have to worry about the sleeve not fitting or finding the right length.
I’d been longing for a simple dress with a graphic print this summer. I feel that if you have a graphic print you better leave the design of the garment simple. So when I stumbled across this light and smooth cotton, it was time for a quick sewing project.
Sewing time: 123 min / ~2 h
Material cost: ~7€

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Monday, July 6


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Olen endiselt heledate siniste ja lillede lainel. Üks pisem seelik ühele pisikesele armsale tüdrukule. Tegemist oli iluuisutamise esinemisega, kus oli tarvis pisut lehengale sarnanevat seelikut, mida saaks ka hiljem kanda. Ja kuidas oleksingi ma saanud tikkimisele ei öelda?
Esinemisele ei olnud mul kahjuks võimalik minna, aga kuulsin, et nad olid olnud imearmsad (:

So I continue with light blues and flowers. This time it’s a small circle skirt for a small adorable girl. She had a figure skating performance to mark the end of the training season and needed a skirt that would look a bit like a lehenga but could also be worn on other occasions. I was sad I wasn’t able to go and see the dance but I heard they were very cute.
And how could I pass up a chance to do some embellishments? (:

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Saturday, April 25

White flowers

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I’ve grown out of last minute sewing projects as they usually don’t end up meeting my quality standards. Projects like these don’t give me the satisfaction of making garments when I’m rushing and overlooking or skipping some steps. In the end I won't enjoy wearing them and that’s time (and money) wasted..
As winter nights tend to get really long and dark around here, some simple and beautiful miracles may still happen. This is how I found myself starting a late night project that was supposed to be worn the next evening. Maybe I have become a better time manager but I didn’t feel the stress of not finishing on time at any point during this. Well, this is a very simple top (:
Time spent cutting, sewing (I used an old top pattern): 3h

Minu nõudmised õmbluskvaliteedile on märgatavalt tõusnud, mistõttu väldin igasuguseid viimase minuti õmblusprojekte kui see vähegi võimalik on. Ma ei tunne rõõmu päiksetõusu tõttu kiirustamisest, sellest tingitud lohakusest ja sohi tegemisest, mis hiljem ka kogu kandmisrõõmu hävitab.
Kuna ööd on meil siin mustad, just talvel, siis imesid juhtub, ka valgeid ja lilledega. Nii ma siis avastasin end käärid kangas. Ma ei tea, kas minu ajaplaneerimisoskus on paranenud, aga mitte ühelgi hetkel selle õmblemise jooksul ei vallanud mind läheneva tähtaja stress. Kui aus olla, siis see tõesti on ka üks väga lihtne pluus (:
Juurdelõikusele ja õmblemisele kulunud aeg (lõige oli mul juba varasemast olemas): 3h

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Sunday, April 12

Light blues

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If someone asked me to pick a garment that would best describe me, this would be it. This is me as a coat (:
I think this is because I've been dreaming of a light grey or pastel coat for over a year now and it has had a long time to form. So when the first hints of spring appeared, I pulled myself together and sat behind the sewing machine before it was too late. This project was all about befriending old enemies.
I wanted to achieve a round shoulder but still maintain the coat looking petite and not as if it had swallowed me (I all ready have a winter coat with that effect which I love as well). So I extended the shoulder line and shortened the sleeve cap.
I was also not sure if I wanted a collar or not. As I’m not on good terms with lapels I used it as an opportunity to try something new.
The main fabric is wool and lining is from white viscose that I decorated with dots using a black textile marker.

Kui keegi paluks mul valida riideeseme, mis mind kõige paremini iseloomustaks, siis valiksin ma just selle - mina manlti kujulisena (:
Ilmselt juhutus seepärast nii, et olen juba pikalt unistanud ühest heledast mantlist. Olen unistanud sinna tikandeid või pikemakarvalist tekstuuri, kuid seekord sai ta küllaltki lihtne. Õlgu tahtsin ümaraid, kuid üldmuljet siiski pisikest (mitte mantlit, kes on tüdruku alla neelanud). Pikendasin lihtsalt pisut õlajoont ja lühendastin varrukakaart.
Ma pole reväärkraedega väga sina peal, olen neid küll konstrueerinud ja õmmelnud, kuid see on alati suuremat süvenemist nõudev ettevõtmine. Kuna mantli tegu tuleb harva ette, olin valmis sellele ka rohkem aega pühendama ning võtsin seda ka kui eksperimenteerimisvõimalust. Kelle muu peal siis veel kui mitte enda!
Lõppkokkuvõttes kujunes see projekt vanade vaenlastega sõbrunemiseks (:

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I remember sewing this type of pockets as part of a school exam long time ago. It was so tricky and needed a lot of patients and precision that I swore I would never sew them again. Well, here I am, sewing these pockets.. I love the clean look and maybe my sewing skills have developed so I thought I'm ready to face them again. Here are some step-by-step photos of the process.

Mäletan, kuidas ma kooliajal nahast välja pugesin neid taskuid õmmeldes. Tegelikult on nende õmblemisel salarelvaks täpsus ja kannatlikkus. Tol ajal vandusin, et kuigi lõpptulemus on ilus ja puhas, käin neist kaarega mööda, kannatlikkusest polnud haisugi ja täpsuski andis soovida. Siin on mõned pildid seest-õmmeldud-peale-pandud taskute õmblemisest.

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Ceramic bears by Helina Nelis ( and mittens by Maru (
Portselanist karupoisid Helina Neliselt ( ja kindad Marult (

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Saturday, February 28

a weekend in January

To explain to you, my foreign readers, this is a commercial for an Estonian telecommunications company.
This project was one of those hey-you-don’t-know-me-but-I’ve-heard-you-sew-and-we-need-some-things-sewn-in-three-days late night calls and I gladly accepted. We ended up receiving the fabric one and a half days before the deadline but I got to use the time to peacefully draft the pattern of the smock.
The golden teeth are pulled from the vest’s zipper to make it shorter. This is a vest I finished (I sewed some of the pockets and finished it with the lining inside) but later had to sew another one  from different fabric (sadly I didn’t have the chance to take a picture of it). I hope the videos will compensate the lack of photos in this post (:

Ühel jaanuari kuu reede õhtul tuli kõne stiilis sain-sinu-numbri-sealt-ja-meil-oleks-vaja-kolme-päeva-pärast-sellist-ja-sellist-asja-kas-õmbleksid? Muidugi mõista vastasin jaatavalt. Kanga saime kätte küll poolteist päeva enne tähtaega, aga tänu sellele sain põhjalikumalt kitli lõikele keskenduda.
Kuldsed hambad pärinevad aga vesti lukult, mis vajas lühemaks tegemist. Pildil olevale vestile õmblesin mõned taskud ja töötlesin voodriga, hiljem õmblesin sarnase teisest kangast, kuid sellest ei jõudnud enam pildile püüda. Üldse sai kahetsusväärselt vähe pilte..

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Wednesday, February 25

Dragonfly embroidery

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I was so happy when a dear friend of mine asked me to embroider on a dress she was making for her friend (she also came up with the dragonflies) for the Estonian Independence Day reception. I love embroidering and don’t mind getting paid for it as well (:
I’d have to say that the most time-consuming part of this embroidery was to transfer the picture of the dragonflies onto the dress as it was going to be made from dark blue wool crêpe.
I have embroidered on a dark fabric before (coffee cozy II) but these dragonflies needed to be detailed, look and be positioned the same on both shoulders. After searching for different techniques I decided to go with the most safe one (without having to wet the fabric or iron other materials on the fabric). I just traced the dragonflies on the dress with bright coloured threads and removed them afterwards.

Olin nii rõõmus kui sõbranna palus mul tikkida pärlitest tikand kleidile, mille ta pidi Eesti Vabariigi iseseisvuspäeva vastuvõtule minevale sõbrannale õmblema. Tikkimine on mu salapahe, mis viga kui selle eest ka tasutakse (:
Kõige ajamahukamaks osutus tikandi kandmine tumesinisele villakrepile. Peale pikalt erinevate tehnikatega tutvumist, otsustasin minna kõige turvalisemat teed ja kanda joonis värviliste niitidega otse kangale. Oleks saanud ka kiiremini, kuid sel juhul oleksin pidanud mingil etapil kanga märjaks tegema, midagi kangale triikima või ostma mõne (kalli ja suure) seadeldise.


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Tiiu Parbus ja Tõnis Saadoja photo by Liis Treimannphoto by Liis Treimann

Saturday, January 24

Pattern Magic vol.3 Hugger



I decided to call it “Hugger” because when I put it on a hanger it looks like it is ready to give you a massive hug. The pattern is constructed with the help of a book named Pattern Magic 3. For the fabric I chose sewn through wadding with a bit of wool. It’s very warm and used for outerwear but leaves small flakes everywhere so you can follow it like they do in fairytales..
I think I may use this pattern to make a wind jacket with a zipper in the front and maybe a hood, we’ll see.

“Kallistajaks” ristisin selle vammuse peale seda, kui ta pärast riidepuule riputamist varrukad kaissu kutsuvalt ettepoole seisma jäi. Päris mitu korda käisin seal varrukatevahel seismas.. Lõike konstrueerisin raamatu Pattern Magic 3 abil. Esialgu tahtsin materjalina kasutada kahepoolset vatiini, aga kuna valik oli nigel, otsustasin tavaliselt ülerõivaste vahematerjalina kasutatava sooja ja õudsalt pudeneva kanga kasuks. Nüüd võib mind valgeid ebemeid jälitades üles leida..
Võimalik, et kasutan seda lõiget, et õmmelda üks kapuutsiga ja eest lukuga avatav tuulejakk, eks näis.







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